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アンカー 2
アンカー 3
アンカー 1
Mehrab and Botanical Design Persian Rug
Design : Mehrab design (Mehrabi Eslimi)
Made in : Kashan, Iran
Date : 1950s
Size : 202 × 133cm
Pile material : Wool
Number of knots per ㎠: 8 × 8
owned by Dara Collection
This persian carpet is a highly decorative mehrab design, made in Kashan.
The entire field is covered with large eslimi figures, floating against the midnight-blue background. This beautiful curve of eslimi shows the greatness of this persian carpet.
The expression of the border is contributing the great color balance to this carpet. The deep red background of the main border is opposing color to the midnight blue of the field, and the contrasts of the sub-border colored blue.
This carpet is a very precisely woven masterpiece, representing an entrance to a heaven or a paradise via the magic of the pattern.
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